
CL0P Publishes Names of 46 New Victims

Attack Description :

The recent actions by the CL0P ransomware group are deeply concerning as they continue to target new victim organizations, with a significant impact on global firms and entities in the United States and the UK. The breach of these organizations can have serious consequences for both the victims and their stakeholders like


  1. Expanding Targets: CL0P’s latest series of breaches involved 46 new victim organizations globally, indicating that the ransomware group is actively increasing its target scope.
  2. Geographic Distribution: The majority of the victims are located in the United States, suggesting a focus on this region, which might be due to a combination of factors, including the prevalence of valuable targets and the relative ease of conducting attacks.
  3. High-Profile Firms: Among the notable organizations targeted are Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (a UK-based professional services firm), Hubbell Incorporated, Kelly Services Inc, Informatica Inc, GNC Holdings LLC, and Genesis Energy LP (all US-based entities). The breach of such well-known firms can have significant repercussions for their operations and reputation.
  4. Impact on UK Organizations: CL0P’s actions also targeted UK-based entities, including Informa PLC and Awaze, which could potentially affect their operations and data security.

Prevention and response:

  1. Incident Response: The targeted organizations must activate their incident response teams to investigate the extent of the breaches, contain the incidents, and initiate recovery and remediation efforts.
  2. Communication with Stakeholders: The affected organizations should communicate transparently with their customers, employees, and partners about the breach, potential risks, and the measures being taken to address the situation.
  3. Law Enforcement Involvement: Reporting the breaches to law enforcement agencies can aid in investigations and potentially lead to the identification and apprehension of the ransomware group.
  4. Enhanced Cybersecurity Measures: Organizations must conduct thorough cybersecurity assessments, strengthen their defenses, and update their incident response plans to better protect against ransomware attacks.
  5. Data Backup and Recovery: Having secure and up-to-date data backups is essential for organizations to recover from ransomware attacks without resorting to paying the ransom.
  6. Public Awareness: Ransomware attacks often exploit social engineering techniques such as phishing emails. Raising awareness among employees about such threats can help prevent successful attacks.
  7. Cooperation and Information Sharing: Public and private organizations should collaborate and share threat intelligence to stay updated on evolving ransomware tactics and trends.


Take away: The increasing sophistication and frequency of ransomware attacks underscore the urgent need for proactive cybersecurity measures. Organizations must prioritize data security, invest in robust cybersecurity infrastructure, and remain vigilant to protect against these growing threats.


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