
Israel vs Palestine – Cyber war

The world is divided into two major phase – Pro Israel and Pro Palestine. Russian are neutral as of now .

The Hamas-Israel struggle entered the internet with programmer bunches supporting either side sending off digital assaults with an intend to plant disarray or caution.

Supportive of Hamas hacking bunches sent off many DDoS assaults against government and confidential sites in Israel, thumping them disconnected. The assaults didn’t have an enduring effect.
Assaults incorporated the focusing of an Israeli application that cautions inhabitants of approaching rocket strikes, assaults against the Jerusalem Post and Refusal of-Administration assaults against governement sites, a report from The Washington Post said.

Supportive of Israeli hacktivists in the mean time were likewise dynamic, with the authority Hamas site being brought somewhere near a programmer bunch called India Digital Power

We will keep you posted on the upcoming updates.