
8Base Ransomware Group Targets Dubai-based Advanced Fiberglass Industries AFI

(AP Illustration/Peter Hamlin)

The targeted ransomware attack on Advanced Fiberglass Industries by the 8Base group highlights the growing threat faced by organizations in the digital landscape.

In recent years, ransomware attacks have become a growing concern for organizations worldwide. These malicious attacks often target businesses, aiming to encrypt their data and demand a ransom for its release. Advanced Fiberglass Industries (AFI), a prominent Dubai-based company, has recently fallen victim to such an attack. The 8Base ransomware group, known for its sophisticated tactics, successfully targeted AFI, causing significant disruption and potential financial loss. This article examines the details of the attack on AFI, sheds light on the 8Base ransomware group, and highlights the importance of robust cybersecurity measures for organizations.

Advanced Fiberglass Industries (AFI): Advanced Fiberglass Industries, a leading company in Dubai’s industrial sector, specializes in the production of fiberglass-based products for various industries. With a strong presence and reputation, AFI has become an attractive target for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in its digital infrastructure.

8Base Ransomware Group’s Attack Tactics:

The 8Base ransomware group, known for its sophisticated tactics and high-value targets, executed a well-planned attack on AFI. The attack likely involved the following stages:

Initial Breach: The attackers exploited vulnerabilities in AFI’s network infrastructure, possibly through methods like phishing emails, social engineering, or exploiting unpatched software.

Lateral Movement: Once inside the network, the attackers navigated through AFI’s systems, seeking to escalate privileges and gain access to critical resources, including servers and backup systems.

Data Encryption: After establishing control, the 8Base group deployed their ransomware payload, encrypting AFI’s valuable data and rendering it inaccessible to the company.

 Ransom Demand: With the data encrypted, the attackers likely demanded a substantial ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key necessary to restore access to AFI’s data.

The 8Base ransomware group is known for its advanced techniques and selective targeting of high-value organizations. Characteristics of the group include:

Sophisticated Methods: The 8Base group employs sophisticated tactics, leveraging advanced malware and evasion techniques to infiltrate and encrypt targeted networks.

Selective Targeting: The group primarily targets organizations with significant financial resources, aiming to maximize the potential ransom payments and increase their illicit gains.

Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS): The 8Base group may operate as a RaaS, providing its ransomware tools and infrastructure to other cybercriminals, enabling them to conduct attacks while sharing the profits.


Regular Security Assessments: Conduct routine assessments to identify vulnerabilities in network infrastructure, software, and employee practices.

Employee Education: Provide cybersecurity training to employees, raising awareness about phishing, social engineering, and best practices for secure computing.

Patch Management: Ensure timely installation of software updates and patches to address known vulnerabilities and protect against exploit attempts.

Data Backups: Regularly backup critical data to offline or cloud storage solutions to mitigate the impact of potential ransomware attacks and facilitate data recovery.

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems: Implement robust security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus solutions to detect and prevent unauthorized access attempts.