
‘Hacktivist Indonesia’ Group Announces ‘OPINDIA’ Campaign Targeting Indian Organizations Ahead of G20 Summit

Attack Description :

In a concerning development on the digital landscape, the pro-Indonesian hacktivist group ‘Hacktivist Indonesia’ has made a bold announcement on their Telegram channel. The group revealed its intention to launch the ‘OPINDIA’ campaign, scheduled to take place from September 9th to September 10th, 2023. This campaign is aimed at targeting Indian organizations and institutions. The timing of this announcement, just before the G20 Summit scheduled to be held in New Delhi during the same period, has raised significant concerns regarding the potential implications for cybersecurity and international relations.


It may be fund and supported by Chinese.

The ‘OPINDIA’ Campaign

While the details of the ‘OPINDIA’ campaign remain limited, it is essential to recognize the potential risks associated with such cyber threats. As hacktivist groups often act on ideological or political motivations, the objectives behind this campaign could vary widely. The timing of the campaign, coinciding with the G20 Summit in New Delhi, underscores the need for heightened cybersecurity measures for Indian organizations and government entities.


The announcement of the ‘OPINDIA’ campaign raises several key concerns:

  1. Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities: Indian organizations must be prepared for potential cyberattacks during the specified timeframe. Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security updates, is critical.
  2. International Relations: The timing of this campaign, just before the G20 Summit, adds an international dimension to the situation. It is essential for governments to monitor the situation closely and consider diplomatic efforts to address potential cyber threats.
  3. Impact on Indian Organizations: The targeted Indian organizations, whether public or private, may face disruptions, data breaches, or reputational damage. Prompt response and collaboration with cybersecurity experts are vital.
  4. Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities: Indian organizations must be prepared for potential cyberattacks during the specified timeframe. Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security updates, is critical.
  5. International Relations: The timing of this campaign, just before the G20 Summit, adds an international dimension to the situation. It is essential for governments to monitor the situation closely and consider diplomatic efforts to address potential cyber threats.
  6. Impact on Indian Organizations: The targeted Indian organizations, whether public or private, may face disruptions, data breaches, or reputational damage. Prompt response and collaboration with cybersecurity experts are vital.

Take Away:  The announcement of the ‘OPINDIA’ campaign by ‘Hacktivist Indonesia’ highlights the evolving landscape of cyber threats and hacktivism. In an interconnected world, where digital infrastructure is fundamental, addressing these threats is of paramount importance. Indian organizations and government bodies should prioritize cybersecurity and collaborate with international partners to protect against potential cyberattacks.

As the campaign unfolds, it will be essential to remain vigilant, adapt cybersecurity strategies, and engage in constructive dialogue to prevent any escalation of tensions. Cybersecurity experts, law enforcement agencies, and governments must work collectively to safeguard digital assets and protect the interests of both nations and the global community.



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