
YouTube like scam (India and worldwide)


The “YouTube like scam” is a type of social engineering scam that typically targets mobile users through text messages. It is designed to deceive users into clicking on malicious links or providing sensitive information.

Here’s how the scam usually works: 

Text Message Impersonation: The scam starts with a text message sent to the target’s mobile phone, appearing to be from a legitimate source or claiming to be related to YouTube.

Baiting with Fake “Likes” or Content: The message often claims that the recipient’s YouTube video has received numerous “likes” or that they have won a prize or giveaway related to YouTube.

Urgency or Curiosity: The scam message may create a sense of urgency or curiosity, urging the recipient to take immediate action to claim the prize or view the supposed “likes.”

Malicious Link: The message typically includes a link that the recipient is encouraged to click on to see the alleged “likes” or claim the prize. However, the link leads to a malicious website or a phishing page.

Phishing Attempts: Once the victim clicks on the link, they may be redirected to a fake website that resembles YouTube or another platform. The site may request login credentials or personal information under the guise of claiming the prize or verifying account details.

Malware Delivery: In some cases, clicking on the link may download malware onto the mobile device, which can lead to data theft or unauthorized access to the device.

Bank fraud : They may ask victim to transfer money to know bank details and later victim’s greedy behaviour put in a situation where he lost lakhs of rupee or million dollars

Impacts :

Data Breach and Identity Theft: Users who fall victim to data harvesting scams may have their personal information stolen and used for identity theft or other malicious purposes.

Financial Loss: In some instances, users may be lured into paying fees or providing financial information to claim the promised rewards, resulting in financial losses

Account Takeovers: Scammers may exploit users who disclose their YouTube login credentials, leading to unauthorized access and control over their accounts

Reputation Damage: Users who participate in questionable schemes may be perceived as engaging in fraudulent activities, potentially damaging their online reputation.

Spam and Phishing: Victims may receive spam emails or phishing attempts targeting their personal information or financial details.

YouTube Policy Violations: Users who unknowingly engage in monetization schemes that violate YouTube’s policies may have their accounts suspended or face other penalties.

Preventions & Mitigations :

Be Skeptical: Always be cautious when receiving unsolicited messages, especially those claiming to offer rewards, prizes, or large numbers of “likes.”

Verify Sources: If you receive a message claiming to be from a reputable company or platform like YouTube, verify the authenticity of the message directly through the official website or app rather than clicking on links.

Avoid Clicking Suspicious Links: Refrain from clicking on links in messages from unknown or suspicious sources.

Enable Security Features: Activate security features on your mobile device, such as anti-phishing protection and spam filters.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA whenever possible to add an extra layer of security to your accounts.

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about common scams and phishing techniques, so you can recognize and avoid them.

 Report Scams: If you encounter a scam message, report it to your mobile carrier and relevant authorities.

Take Away:  By being vigilant and cautious when dealing with unexpected messages, you can protect yourself from falling victim to scams and potential mobile security threats.